Non-Depository Issues
Non Depository
The Money Transmission Modernization Act is a single set of nationwide standards and requirements to modernize the supervision and regulation of money transmitters.
Non Depository
States are the primary regulators of nonbank mortgage companies. State financial regulators have broad licensing, examination, investigation, and enforcement authorities, as outlined below.
Non Depository
The CSBS model state regulatory prudential standards for nonbank mortgage servicers establish common financial capacity, governance, and risk management requirements for nonbank mortgage servicers.
Non Depository
The CSBS Nonbank Model Data Security Law leverages the FTC Safeguards Rule to establish a robust framework for nonbank financial institutions to mitigate cyber threats, prevent data breaches, and uphold the integrity of the financial system.
Non Depository
CARES Act Forbearance Provisions
The mortgage relief provided by the CARES Act1 has prompted questions regarding the Act’s forbearance provisions.
Non Depository
A new series of CSBS papers will describe the various business segments within the nonbank industry, explain how they are currently licensed and supervised by state financial regulators, and discuss issues affecting regulatory changes going forward
Non Depository
CSBS is requesting comment on a Model Money Services Businesses Law for states.
Non Depository
In February 2019, CSBS sought public input on issues related to state money transmission and payments regulation as regulators begin work on model legislation to introduce in all 50 states.