What Homebuyers Should Know About NMLS
Every financial services company and individual that obtains a license or registration in NMLS receives a unique NMLS ID number. You may hear this number referenced often in mortgage-related ads or see it on documents as you go through the mortgage loan application and homebuying process.
The NMLS ID number lets you know the mortgage company or MLO you are working with has met the requirements to obtain and maintain their license or registration – enabling them to conduct mortgage business.
With NMLS Consumer Access, a free website, you can search the mortgage professionals you are working with based on their NMLS ID number to see if they are in good standing. Visit our For Homebuyers (csbs.org/homebuyers) page to learn more.
Note: State-licensed companies in the debt, consumer finance, and money services business industries also have NMLS ID numbers and can be searched through NMLS Consumer Access.