Mortgage Certification
Certified Mortgage Examiner (CME)
CME is step 1 in the CSBS mortgage credentialing program; CSME is step 2 and CMEM is step 3
Candidates for the CME designation must provide evidence of the following:
- Completion of a minimum of one year of on-the-job service and training related to mortgage provider examinations.
- Satisfactory completion of the following CSBS course offering or an equivalent training on basic mortgage examination (consisting of a minimum of 36 hours of classroom instruction):
- CSBS's Day One: Mortgage Examiner Training (online)
- Examples of equivalent training would include the basic AARMR Examiner School; applicable portions of AARMR/NACCA Examiner Schools; FDIC Introduction to Compliance Examinations; and CFPB Lending Principles Course.
- CSBS's Day One: Mortgage Examiner Training (online)
Applicants must ensure that they meet all certification requirements and will then complete an attestation of successful job performance and mastery of job-related skills, providing a thorough written response for each competency category. Their supervisor will then review and affirm the attestation to ensure accuracy and completeness. The core competencies are an integral part of the certification, and a high degree of reliance is placed on the attestation for determining compliance with these skill areas. The supervisor reviewing the application form should be familiar with the applicant’s experience, performance, and skills/abilities and be confident that the applicant meets all the requirements outlined in the form.
TECHNICAL - Provides effective organization to the examination process by:
- Effectively adheres to examination procedures and policies
- Effectively organizes assignments
- Ensures pre-examination planning and requests are successfully completed in a timely manner
- Organizes and effectively documents workpapers according to prescribed procedures
CONCEPTUAL - Provides effective and accurate evaluation of the operational and financial activities of mortgage providers by:
- Effectively follows established examination procedures to collect and analyze data
- Develops correct conclusions from collected data
LEGAL/COMPLIANCE - Provides effective and accurate evaluation of policies, procedures, laws, rules and regulations:
- Effectively demonstrates knowledge of policies, procedures, laws, rules and regulations
- Effectively follows established examination procedures for presenting violations and recommending corrective action or enforcement powers
HUMAN RELATIONS - Provides effective oral and written communications by:
- Effectively and clearly communicates with mortgage provider personnel to obtain information
- Effectively and clearly communicates examination findings to supervisory personnel and/or owners/directors
- Effectively prepares written comments that are accurate, grammatically correct, logically arranged, and factually support any conclusions drawn
Every three years, participants will be required to provide evidence of the successful completion of a minimum of 63 continuing education hours (CEH). If an examiner exceeds this requirement, up to 14 CEHs may be carried over into the new three-year term. Continuing education should be selected with the goal of maintaining, improving, or expanding the examiner’s knowledge, skills, and abilities. Participants are also required to review and remain in compliance with updates to certifications. Should a material change related to the certification occur, additional training may be required to maintain certification.