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The Money Transmission Modernization Act


The Model Money Transmission Modernization Act, also known as the Money Transmitter Model Law, is a single set of nationwide standards and requirements created by industry and state experts. We speak with two CSBS experts on money transmission to learn how this model law came to be, what it accomplishes and how it's being implemented nationwide.


  • 0:46 - What is a money transmitter?
  • 2:14 - How has money transmission changed in the last decade?
  • 5:54 - Who supervises money transmitters?
  • 7:57 - How the Money Transmission Modernization Act came to exist
  • 9:38 - Who contributed to the Money Transmission Modernization Act?
  • 11:26 - A summary of the Money Transmission Modernization Act
  • 13:19 - How does this improve the supervision of money transmitters?
  • 16:53 - What's in it for the industry?
  • 19:01 - State progress on the Money Transmission Modernization Act

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