Frequently Asked Questions for Faculty Advisors
What is the focus of the 2019 Community Bank Case Study Competition?
Under the direction of a school professor, the student team must conduct an original case study that addresses questions related to the new Economic Growth, Regulatory Relief and Consumer Protection Act and how this law will benefit community banks.
Which students are eligible to participate?
- The student must be currently enrolled in a university or college during the full case study competition timeframe (August – April)
- The students course work must be majority undergraduate courses
- The student must be able to provide proof of college or university registration
What are the student team requirements?
- Student teams must consist of between three to five students
- Teams must be advised by at least one school professor
- All members of the student team must be enrolled at the same university/college
- All research must be conducted during the Community Bank Case Study work period - August 2018 to April 2019
What is the responsibility of the student team faculty advisor?
- Professors sponsoring a student team are considered the team’s faculty advisor or faculty sponsor
- The team faculty advisor must be a current professor at the same college/university as the sponsored team (s)
- Team faculty advisors are responsible for submitting the competition application
- Faculty advisors are responsible for helping to facilitate the partnership between the sponsored student team and a prospective local community bank
- Faculty advisors should serve as a guide and manage the student team throughout the competition process
- Faculty advisors may sponsor more than one student team. While there is no limit to how many student teams a faculty advisor may sponsor, professors are advised to consider the time commitment that will be necessary to manage several teams
What does it mean to “help facilitate the partnership between the sponsored student team and a prospective local community bank?”
This means that if the faculty advisor has a relationship with a local bank and feels comfortable reaching out to the bank, the advisor is encouraged to do so. If the faculty advisor does not have a relationship with a bank but still wishes to facilitate a bank partnership for the student team, the professor is again encouraged to do so. CSBS staff, and in some cases, state banking Commissioners, are available to make the initial outreach to a potential bank upon the faculty advisor’s request. Faculty advisors should state this request in the competition application and reach out to Case Study Manager Katie Hoyle ([email protected]) for more information.
How should I select student team members?
In some cases, professors may already have students in mind that they think would make great team members for the competition. For professors who do not, things to take into consideration may include: knowledge of banking industry/topics, commitment to long-term projects, ability to see projects through, video production experience, and strong writing skills. Students not majoring in a bank-related field may participate – all disciplines are welcome!
How do I register my team, and what is the deadline for locking in a full team and community bank partner?
Once you have a verbal commitment from the students, direct them to register themselves on the Case Study site once registration is opened on November 20th, 2018. Once you have locked in your full team and your community bank partner (the deadline for securing both is February 4th, 2019), you will be sent a legal disclaimer form that the bank must complete and return before your team starts the case study work.
Does the partner community bank have to be in the same state as the college/university?
The community bank partner does not have to be in the same community or state as the college/university.
Can I apply to enter the competition although I don’t have a student team identified?
Yes. Professors have from August 13th to November 19th, 2018 to submit their Statement of Interest. On November 20th, 2018, student registration will open, and team members can register themselves on the CSBS Community Bank Case Study website. Student team members and bank partners have until February 4th, 2019 to register using the online registration system. Teams that do not have at least three student team members identified in the application system by 11:59 p.m. Eastern Time on February 4th, 2019 will be disqualified from the competition. With questions, please contact [email protected].
Can I submit a Statement of Interest to enter the competition although I don’t have a community bank identified?
Yes. Professors have from August 13th to November 19th, 2018 to submit a Statement of Interest. The community bank partner then has until February 4th, 2019 to register. All applications with student teams that do not have a community bank partner secured and identified by 11:59 p.m. Eastern Time on February 4th, 2019 will be disqualified from the competition. With further questions, please contact [email protected].
What if I commit three student teams by the February 4th, 2019 deadline, but then decide I only want to move forward with one team?
In this case, please notify Katie Hoyle ([email protected] or 202-808-3556) that you wish to drop a team and CSBS will remove that team from being listed as a participant in our records.
What happens if the winning team includes only members who graduate in spring 2019? Do the students still get the scholarship?
What happens if members of the winning team, or members of the winning team are not able to attend the CSBS-Federal Reserve Research and Policy Conference in 2019?
Attending the conference in person is optional, not a requirement.
What is your definition of a community bank?
The determination of whether the partner community bank is indeed a community bank will be left to the discretion of the faculty advisors. As a guide, faculty advisors are encouraged to refer to the FDIC’s 2012 research definition that is available here.
Can the students receive school/course credit for participating in the competition?
School or course credit for students participating in the competition is solely at the discretion of the professor, department, or school. The Community Bank Case Study Competition is an annual competition and CSBS is open to future collaborative efforts with schools to deliver school or course credit.
Does the 25-page limit include work cited page?
The 25-page limit for the case study paper does not include the work cited page(s) or the cover page. However, it does include the executive summary and the body of work.
Do the charts and graphs have to be at the end of the paper like an appendix or can they be displayed throughout the paper?
No. The charts and graphs are not required to be at the end of the paper. Charts and graphs can be displayed throughout the paper, however the maximum limit of 10 pages dedicated to charts and graphs remains.
With whom/where will content be shared and does the bank have an opportunity for final review before presentation?
The bank may review the student team’s paper before it is submitted and is left to the discretion of the faculty advisor. The bank may also review the student team’s video if agreed upon by the team and professor. All competition papers and videos will eventually be released publicly on the competition website after the judging process is complete and the top three teams are announced.
The bank(s) I’ve spoken with sees this as a sensitive issue and is unsure about participating and/or how much information to share out of fear of regulatory action. How can I address this question with the bank?
The case study competition project is for educational purposes only and not intended to serve a regulatory role.