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Certified Training Manager (CTM)

The objectives of the CTM designation are to:

  1. Recognize the specialized knowledge, skills, and abilities of individuals who oversee an examiner training program for a state regulatory agency as their primary job responsibility
  2. Encourage continued professional development in the areas of adult education, course development, instructional design, and tech-based training innovations
  3. Develop learning outcomes, gather feedback, and evaluate effectiveness
  4. Enhance the quality of job performance and skill level of these specialized agency employees

Candidates for the CTM designation must provide evidence of the following:

  1. A minimum of two years providing primary oversight and accountability for overall quality and sufficiency of an agency examiner training program.
  2. Completion of the CSBS Senior School, a Graduate School of Banking, or an advanced leadership, management, or other equivalent, relevant training program (at least 40 hours of classroom instruction must be demonstrated to establish equivalency).
  3. The agency’s commissioner must attest that the quality and sufficiency of the agency’s training program meets the needs of agency staff, and that the applicant’s performance evaluation meets the minimum expectations of the agency.
  4. Must be either CSBS-certified at CEM or CMEM level, or industry-certified*. This requirement is waivable if significant expertise is demonstrated*.

* Equivalency in either respect is determined by the Certification Committee

Supervisor Ratings & Attestation

Attestation of successful job performance and mastery of appropriate job-related skills by the candidate's direct supervisor is required. All attestations shall be considered final once signed.

Attestation as to a candidate's skill will be supported by a defined response section of the application that outlines the necessary and appropriate skills. A high degree of reliance is placed on the attestation of the applicant's supervisor when granting certification. For that reason, the individual providing ratings and narrative support to an application should be familiar with the applicant's experience, performance, and skills/abilities, and confident that the applicant meets all requirements.
The attestation section of the application addresses the following required competencies:


  • Demonstrates adequate knowledge of the subject matter under instruction
  • Adequately measures and assesses staff training needs
  • Develops content using instructional design best practices
  • Develops education and training materials
  • Develops plans for transfer of knowledge, skills, and abilities from senior staff to incoming employees and junior staff
  • Evaluates effectiveness of training delivered


  • Embraces and encourages adult learning
  • Understands how professional development, training, and education fit into the strategic goals of the agency
  • Embraces technology-driven learning options


  • Exhibits strong interpersonal communication skills
  • Establishes strong connections with examiner staff
  • Seeks feedback from learners in order to improve agency training programs


Every three years, holders of the CTM designation are required to submit 63 continuing education hours (CEHs) in order to renew a certification. If this requirement is exceeded, up to 14 CEHs may be carried over into the new three-year term. Continuing education should be selected with the goal of maintaining, improving, or expanding the certificant’s knowledge, skills, and abilities.